In the News: Highlights Caldwell’s Gratitude Practice
October 14, 2021 Highlights Caldwell’s Gratitude Practice
Caldwell was highlighted on for it’s bonding exercises used to combat the “great resignation.”
“Telling your employees you appreciate them seems like obvious advice–but helping them do it in structured ways helps you keep from losing them, according to Keegan Caldwell, founder and managing partner of Boston-based Caldwell. Every Friday at noon, employees share whom they’ve been grateful for over the last week. “What we found was this was the most important meeting for us to have,” Caldwell says. He started it three years ago, inspired by his 12-step recovery process and his ability to make it through the associated challenges. Since then, he estimates, it’s improved retention by 10 percent.”
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Read more about Caldwell Global Managing Partner, Keegan Caldwell: